If you have a passion or hobby and want to share it with the world then starting your own business could be the way to go! With minimal start up costs, you can get started in the direct sales industry and become your own boss while still working your day job and raising the kids! These days, managing a business online has become all the rage for both women and men who are looking to add to their income by doing something they love. If you are interested in the possibility of a starting a business, I have a few reasons why this industry could be the perfect addition to your daily.
1. Opportunity – Maybe it’s a one-time goal like braces for the kids, that new appliance for your kitchen, a family vacation. Maybe you need that extra cash for the holidays. Maintain your lifestyle and earn money for all those presents and baking endeavors. Whatever your goals are a Direct Sales side hustle could be just what you need to accomplish that goal.
2. Friendship – When I look back at the last 10 years in direct sales, and think of who my besties are, it’s fairly safe to say that so MANY of the relationships I have now have come into my life because of direct sales. I’ve met so many great women and men through my organization, the Mompreneurs Group I belong to, the Women’s Club I am a member of, the parties I’ve held, and the many teammates who have joined me. It’s one of the main reasons I stay.
3. Self Help/Personal Development – Might sound crazy, but I actually love listening to and reading self help/personal development style videos and books. Give me a long car ride and a podcast and I am a happy girl! I’ve been introduced to all sorts of great speakers, leaders in the industry, and coaches as a result of my time with direct sales. I never stop learning. Each of them really help me dive into my mindset and personal growth.
4. Conferences & Leadership Retreats -There’s just something about the energy in the air at Conferences, Leadership Retreats, and online trainings that me up! You get to meet new people, hear amazing speakers, and well you also get to stock up on swag and learn about upcoming New Products.
5. Free Products – Consultants have opportunities to earn free products! By hosting our own events and achieving incentives this is one reason many of us join. When you love something so much, why not get it for free?
6. Swag – Oh swag AKA “stuff we all get”. It’s the goodie bags at conference, and company branded logo wear, water bottles, and accessories Consultants love to stock up on. Everybody loves Swag!
7. The Discount – Even when you’re not earning your products for free, all Consultants get a discount on their own purchases. Get a discount straight off the top of the price!
8. Women Supporting Women – I think this is one of the most important ones. How quick are we to jump on a recommendation for a product someone shared online from a store or local retailer, yet we turn our heads when we hear direct sales. Why is that? When we shop with direct sellers we’re helping our friends pay and save for so many little things. We’re supporting each other when we shop with friends, and more importantly we’re building each other up!
9. Me Time – My Direct Sales business is about doing something for me.
10. Leadership and Recognition – If you’re the kind of person who loves seeing your name in lights or hearing “great job” then perhaps direct sales is a great place for you. From our Jump Start Program, Restart Program, and my Weekly Motivational Monday Newsletter to promotions, trip incentives, and walking the stage at Conference, there are so many ways to achieve recognition in this industry.
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